Thursday, October 9, 2014

Oogy #6

As I said in my last post, this post will be a summary and book review of the novel Oogy, by Larry Levin.

In the novel, Oogy, the author and his family are leaving for the pet hospital. They are heading there because of their cat, Buzzy, who was dying slowly and wanted to put him out of his pain. As they were leaving the hospital sadden, a strange looking dog came spiriting out of the back room. Seeing the family, the dog ran up to them, knocking them over licking their faces. After that moment, they knew the dog was going to be apart of their family. After bring the new dog home, they came up with the name Oogy for an unknown reason. Oogy had become apart of their family an was considered, "the third twin".  He wanted to do everything with his new "siblings". After countless face reconstructions and infections, Oogy is now living a happy, healthy life.

My favorite part of this book was when the author described Oogy's protectiveness. If this part of the book, he stated that the dog would protect them no matter what would happen. One night, someone tried to break into the house. "One summer day, we came into the house and discovered that the window and screen were wide open in the family room. Nothing had been taken or moved. None of us would have had a reason to open the screen, but just to make sure, I asked the boys if they had done it. They told me that they had not, and we had concluded that someone has decided to force his way into the house through the window, had heard/seen Oogy, and within seconds had realized that he had had better ideas in his life." (Levin 137). This quote describes Oogy's protectiveness and his will to protect the family from danger.

I recommend this book for ages 12 and older. It contains some material that could be sensitive or hard to comprehend for younger ages. I give this book a 8.5 because aat some parts it was extremely slow and hard to understand.


  1. This looks like a really touching story! Great review!

  2. I love your review and this seems like a sad story

  3. Your review makes me want to read this book even thought it seems kind of sad :( I really want to know what happens.
