Monday, April 6, 2015

Paper Towns #2

Wow. I've read so much in Paper Towns since my last blog post. A lot has happened, but I don't want to give too much away. Okay, so in my last post I was talking about how Margo and Q were pulling an all-nighter. During this all-nighter, the two go to different places getting revenge are Margo's "enemies"; her now ex-boyfriend, the girl he was cheating on her with, and  a few others. After the getting revenge, they break into sea world. The next day, Margo is gone. She had disappeared and even Q didn't know where she was. Q goes on to search for clues on her whereabouts and tries to figure out what happened and if she had committed suicide.

That's all I am going to leave you with because I don't want to give anything else away. John Green has done a fantastic job keeping my attention through out the book. I think his writing style has really kept me intrigued. This book is written in first person. By writing in first person, it helps the reader, especially me, connect with the character. It feels like they are telling a story just to me. The diction and syntax in this book is also at a higher level. It uses many complex sentences and high vocabulary words. It makes me think about what is being said.

I have high hopes on what the rest of the book will be about. I keep asking myself different questions like, "Where is Margo?" "Why doesn't Q do this/or that?". It makes me anxious just thinking about what's going to happen and when it will happen. I usually don't read books like this, mystery, but I really enjoy it and want to read more mystery once I finish this one.

1 comment:

  1. Great job! When you mentioned that it is a higher reading level, it made me wonder if the book im reading a high reading level. I think I need some challenge so I might pick this book up. Thanks and nice work!
