Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Oogy Part 2

As I continued to read further into the book, Oogy, some of my predictions came true. My first prediction was, there would be flashbacks of when they first adopted Oogy. The family first met Oogy when they were putting their cat to sleep. As the cat was put to sleep, Oogy came prancing out of the back room for a walk. When he saw Larry and the twins, the dog ran over to them and started licking their faces. One line in the chapter during this part that really stuck out to me was; "With a sudden explosive force, the pup tore the leash out of the technician's grasp and rocketed into Noah, knocking him over. Noah fell backward and lay stretched out as the dog stood on his chest, licking his face without a pause." (Levin 82). This stuck out to me because it shows how the dog is very lovable and caring.

Another prediction of mine that came true was if the family would ever wonder about the kind of abuse Oogy had received. Larry was so determined to find out what had happened to him, so he went searching for answers. Chapter 2 is about Oogy's story and the abuse he went through. One line from the chapter that embedded an image in my mind was; "They had not bothered to clean off his blood. As soon as Diane walked into the room, the pup lifted his head and his right ear stood at attention; his large, dark eyes looked at her, and she couldn't take her eyes off him...he started to wag his tail." (Levin 34) This part stood out to me so much also because of the incredible determination from Oogy. The quote creates a picture of a dog, beaten and bloody with one bandage on his head, who wags his tail with no care in the world.

This book is a great read so far and I am excited to continue reading. Hopefully, it will include more things about the dogs journey and how it has affected lots of lives.

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Rue! I really like how you connected your predictions back to your book and analyzed it. It really shows how you've understood the book. I hope to read your other blogs!
